Sundar Pichai

8 Must-Read Books Endorsed by Google’s Sundar Pichai

Sundar Pichai is an Indian business executive. And the CEO of Alphabet Inc. Born in Madurai, India. Pichai earned his degree in Metallurgical Engineering. From the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He later pursued an M.S. in Material Sciences and Engineering from Stanford University, followed by an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Pichai joined Google in 2004, where he initially worked on the Google Toolbar and later led the development of Google Chrome, which gained significant success and popularity. His effective leadership and innovative vision earned him a series of promotions, culminating in his appointment as CEO of Google in 2015.
Under Pichai’s leadership, Google and Alphabet have continued to expand and innovate across various fields, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and hardware. His management style is known for its emphasis on collaboration, inclusivity, and data-driven decision-making.

As a beacon of innovation, Google CEO Sundar Pichai not only shapes the future of technology but also influences the intellectual landscape. Here are eight insightful books he recommends:

1. The Gene: An Intimate History

The Gene: An Intimate History


Author: Siddhartha Mukherjee

Publication Year: 2016

Genre: Non-Fiction, Science, Biography

Content Summary

  1. Historical Context:
    • Mukherjee traces the history of genetics from its early beginnings, covering the pioneering work of Gregor Mendel and the discovery of DNA’s structure by James Watson and Francis Crick. The book provides a detailed look at how the field of genetics has evolved.
  2. Scientific Foundations:
    • The book delves into the science of genes, including how they function, how they are inherited, and their role in determining traits and diseases. Mukherjee explains complex genetic concepts in an accessible manner, making them understandable for readers without a scientific background.
  3. Personal Narrative:
    • Interwoven with the scientific narrative is Mukherjee’s personal story. He discusses his family’s history with genetic disorders, particularly focusing on his own family’s struggles with mental illness. This personal connection adds a deeply human element to the scientific discourse.
  4. Ethical and Social Implications:
    • Mukherjee explores the ethical and social implications of genetic research. He discusses topics such as genetic engineering, cloning, and the potential for genetic modification, as well as the societal impact of these advancements.
  5. Future Prospects:
    • The book also looks forward to the future of genetics, considering how advances in gene editing technologies like CRISPR could reshape medicine, ethics, and human life.


  • The Intersection of Science and Humanity: Mukherjee emphasizes how scientific discoveries in genetics intersect with personal and societal experiences, shaping and being shaped by human lives.
  • Ethics and Morality: The book raises important questions about the ethical boundaries of genetic research and the moral implications of manipulating genes.
  • The Legacy of Genetics: It reflects on how the field of genetics has transformed our understanding of human biology and its potential to influence future generations.

2. A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind


Author: Sylvia Nasar

Publication Year: 1998

Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography, Psychology

Content Summary

  1. John Nash’s Early Life and Career:
    • The book begins with Nash’s early years, highlighting his precocious talent in mathematics and his academic journey. It details his time at Princeton University, where he developed the Nash equilibrium, a concept that revolutionized the field of game theory.
  2. Struggles with Mental Illness:
    • A significant portion of the book is dedicated to Nash’s battle with schizophrenia. Nasar provides a detailed and empathetic account of how the illness affected his life and career, including his periods of hospitalization and the impact on his relationships.
  3. Personal and Professional Achievements:
    • Despite his struggles, Nash made significant contributions to mathematics, earning recognition and acclaim. His work in game theory has had a profound impact on economics, political science, and evolutionary biology.
  4. Recovery and Later Life:
    • The book also covers Nash’s eventual recovery and return to academic life. It discusses his resilience and the support of his family, particularly his wife, Alicia, who played a crucial role in his life during his most challenging times.
  5. Awards and Recognition:
    • Nash’s achievements were eventually recognized with the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994. Nasar explores the significance of this honour and its impact on Nash’s life.


  • The Nature of Genius: The book delves into what constitutes genius, exploring Nash’s extraordinary mathematical abilities and the ways in which his mental illness intersected with his intellectual gifts.
  • Mental Illness and Recovery: Nasar provides a nuanced view of mental illness, portraying Nash’s struggles and eventual recovery with sensitivity and depth.
  • The Role of Support Systems: The importance of support from family and friends is highlighted, particularly the role of Alicia Nash in John’s recovery and professional life.


Film Adaptation:

  • In 2001, “A Beautiful Mind” was adapted into a film directed by Ron Howard and starring Russell Crowe as John Nash. The film was well-received and won several Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.


  • The book and film have both contributed to public understanding of schizophrenia and the challenges faced by individuals with mental illness. Nash’s story remains a powerful testament to resilience and intellectual brilliance.


3. Born a Crime

Born a Crime


Author: Trevor Noah

Publication Year: 2016

Genre: Memoir, Autobiography, Comedy

Content Summary

  1. Childhood Under Apartheid:
    • The book chronicles Noah’s experiences growing up as the child of a black mother and a white father during apartheid, a time when such a relationship was illegal. His existence was literally “born a crime” because it was against the law for interracial relationships to produce children.
  2. Family Dynamics:
    • Noah shares stories about his complex relationship with his mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah, who raised him with resilience and ingenuity. The book highlights her influence on his upbringing and her role in his development.
  3. Cultural and Social Commentary:
    • Through anecdotes, Noah provides a sharp commentary on the social and racial issues of South Africa, offering challenges faced by those living under apartheid and the impact of its legacy.
  4. Humor and Resilience:
    • Known for his comedic style, Noah uses humor to navigate and recount the difficulties of his childhood. His ability to find humor situations is a recurring theme throughout the memoir.
  5. Educational Journey:
    • The book details Noah’s experiences with education and his journey into comedy. It includes stories about his early attempts at making people laugh and how he used humor as a means of coping with and understanding his environment.
  6. Transition to Success:
    • Noah reflects on his path to becoming a successful comedian and television host, highlighting the role his background played in shaping his perspective and career.


  • Identity and Race: The memoir explores themes of identity, race, and belonging, especially in the context of apartheid’s rigid racial divisions.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Noah’s stories emphasize the importance of resilience and adaptability in overcoming the hardships imposed by a divided society.
  • Motherhood and Influence: The relationship between Noah and his mother is central to the memoir, showcasing her impact on his life and values.


  • Critical Acclaim: “Born a Crime” received widespread acclaim for its engaging narrative, humor, and insightful commentary on South African society. It has been praised for its ability to tackle serious issues with a light touch.
  • Best Seller: The book became a best-seller and was noted for its impact on readers, providing a unique perspective on life in South Africa.



  • The audiobook version of “Born a Crime,” narrated by Trevor Noah himself, has been particularly well-received. His delivery adds an extra layer of humor and authenticity to the memoir.

Educational Use:

  • The book has been used in educational settings to discuss themes of race, history, and personal resilience.


4. The Wright Brothers

The Wright Brothers


Author: David McCullough

Publication Year: 2015

Genre: Biography, History

Content Summary

  1. Early Life:
    • The book explores the early lives of Wilbur and Orville Wright, detailing their upbringing in a modest, supportive family. It covers their education, interests, and early experiments with flight, which began as a hobby.
  2. Pioneering Spirit:
    • McCullough highlights the Wright brothers’ innovative spirit and perseverance. Their passion for flight led them to conduct extensive research and experimentation, including the construction of their own wind tunnel.
  3. Key Achievements:
    • The narrative covers their key achievements, including the development of the Wright Flyer and the historic first powered flight in December 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The book provides detailed accounts of their trials and triumphs during this period.
  4. Challenges and Triumphs:
    • The Wright brothers faced numerous challenges, from technical difficulties to skepticism from the scientific community and competition from other inventors. McCullough portrays their determination and resilience in overcoming these obstacles.
  5. Impact on Aviation:
    • The biography also discusses the impact of their work on the field of aviation and their contributions to the development of flight technology. It covers their subsequent achievements, including improvements to their aircraft and their role in early aviation history.
  6. Personal Lives:
    • The book offers insights into the personal lives of the Wright brothers, including their relationships with family members, their work ethic, and their dynamic as a team. McCullough paints a vivid picture of their personalities and their deep bond.
  7. Legacy:
    • McCullough reflects on the lasting legacy of the Wright brothers, examining how their inventions changed the world and set the stage for the future of aviation.


  • Innovation and Persistence: The biography highlights the themes of innovation and persistence, showcasing how the Wright brothers’ dedication and creativity led to groundbreaking achievements.
  • Family and Collaboration: The close collaboration between Wilbur and Orville, as well as their family support, is a central theme. The book emphasizes the importance of teamwork and mutual support in achieving their goals.
  • Impact of Technology: The work of the Wright brothers had a profound impact on technology and society, changing transportation and connecting the world in new ways.


  • Critical Acclaim: “The Wright Brothers” received widespread acclaim for its engaging writing style and thorough research. McCullough’s ability to bring historical figures to life and his detailed account of their achievements were praised by critics.
  • Awards: The book won several awards, including the 2015 Goodreads Choice Award for History & Biography, and was a finalist for the National Book Award.


5. The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup


Author: Eric Ries

Publication Year: 2011

Genre: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management

Key Concepts

  1. Lean Startup Methodology:
    • The book presents the Lean Startup methodology, which emphasizes the importance of efficient resource use and iterative product development. This approach aims to shorten product development quickly respond to market feedback.
  2. Build-Measure-Learn Loop:
    • Central to the methodology is the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to build a minimum viable product (MVP)and measure its performance in the market, and learn from the results. This cycle is repeated to refine the product and business model.
  3. Validated Learning:
    • Ries introduces the concept of validated learning . And which involves using experiments to test assumptions and validate hypotheses about the business model. This approach helps in making data-driven decisions and saves resources on unproven ideas.
  4. Minimum Viable Product (MVP):
    • The MVP is a critical concept in the Lean Startup methodology. It is refering to the most basic version of a product. That can be released to gather feedback from early adopters. The MVP helps entrepreneurs test their ideas quickly and efficiently.
  5. Pivot or Persevere:
    • Ries discusses the importance of pivoting—making a fundamental change to the product or business model based on feedback and learning. The decision to pivot or persevere is guided by the data collected from market testing and experimentation.
  6. Continuous Deployment:
    • The book advocates for continuous deployment, where products are released in small, incremental updates rather than significant, infrequent releases. This approach allows for quicker iterations and faster responses to customer needs.
  7. Innovation Accounting:
    • Ries introduces innovation accounting as a way to measure progress and performance in startups. This includes tracking key metrics and using them to guide decision-making and assess the viability of the business model.


  • Efficiency and Adaptability: The Lean Startup methodology emphasizes the need for startups to be efficient with their resources and adaptable to changing market conditions.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: The book advocates for using data and feedback to guide business decisions, reducing reliance on intuition and assumptions.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Ries stresses the importance of understanding and addressing customer needs through iterative testing and feedback.


  • Critical Acclaim: “The Lean Startup” has been highly praised for its practical approach to entrepreneurship and innovation. It has been influential in shaping modern startup practices and has become a standard reference in the field of entrepreneurship.
  • Best Seller: The book became a best-seller and has been widely adopted by startups, entrepreneurs, and established companies looking to foster innovation.
  • Influence: The Lean Startup methodology has significantly impacted the way startups approach product development and business strategy. It has inspired numerous entrepreneurs and been integrated into various business and innovation programs.


6. Trillion Dollar Coach

Trillion Dollar Coach


Authors: Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg and Alan Eagle

Publication Year: 2019

Genre: Business, Leadership

Key Concepts

  1. Bill Campbell’s Leadership Philosophy:
    • The book details Bill Campbell’s unique approach to leadership, which focuses on empowering and inspiring people rather than traditional top-down management. Campbell’s philosophy emphasized the importance of building strong relationships and trust and fostering a collaborative environment.
  2. Coaching and Mentorship:
    • Campbell’s role as a coach and mentor is a central theme. He was known for his ability to provide guidance and support to leaders at companies like Apple, Google, and Intuit. The book shares insights into how Campbell helped shape the careers of influential executives and build successful organizations.
  3. Principles of Leadership:
    • The authors outline several vital principles that Campbell practiced and taught, including:
      • Putting People First: Campbell believed that focusing on people’s well-being and development was crucial for organizational success.
      • Leading with Empathy: Understanding and addressing the needs and concerns of team members was a fundamental aspect of Campbell’s approach.
      • Building Strong Teams: Campbell emphasized the importance of creating cohesive and high-performing teams through collaboration and mutual respect.
      • Encouraging Innovation: He fostered an environment where creativity and innovation could thrive, allowing team members to take risks and experiment.
  4. Impact on Silicon Valley:
    • The book highlights Campbell’s influence on the culture and success of Silicon Valley companies. His coaching style and leadership principles have left a lasting legacy in the tech industry, contributing to the growth and innovation of major technology firms.
  5. Real-Life Stories:
    • The book provides practical examples of Campbell’s leadership style and its impact on individuals and organizations through anecdotes and stories from executives who worked with him. These stories illustrate how Campbell’s principles were applied in real-world situations.


  • People-Centric Leadership: The book emphasizes the value of focusing on people, relationships, and team dynamics as the foundation of effective leadership.
  • Empathy and Trust: Campbell’s leadership approach highlights the importance of compassion and trust in building strong and successful teams.
  • Legacy and Influence: The book explores how Campbell’s coaching and mentorship left a significant mark on the tech industry and leadership practices.


  • Critical Acclaim: “Trillion Dollar Coach” has been well-received for its insightful look into Bill Campbell’s leadership style and its practical advice for leaders and managers.
  • Best Seller: The book has been a best-seller and has been praised for its relevance and applicability to modern leadership and organizational culture.
  • Influence: The principles outlined in the book have been widely adopted by leaders and organizations looking to foster a positive and effective work.


7. A Song of Ice Martin’s

A Song of Ice Martin

Author: George R.R. Martin

Genre: Fantasy

Publication Years: The series began in 1996 and is ongoing.


Series : A Song of Ice and Fire

Books Published:

  1. A Game of Thrones (1996)
  2. A Clash of Kings (1998)
  3. A Storm of Swords (2000)
  4. A Feast for Crows (2005)
  5. A Dance with Dragons (2011)
  6. The Winds of Winter (TBA)
  7. A Dream of Spring (TBA)

Plot Summary

  1. Setting:
    • The series is set in fictional continents of Westeros and Essos. Westeros is divided into several noble houses, each vying for control of the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. Essos is a land of diverse cultures, with significant events occurring in cities like Braavos and Meereen.
  2. Main Storylines:
    • The struggle for the Iron Throne: The series begins with the death of the Hand of the King, Eddard Stark, and the subsequent struggle for power among the noble families of Westeros. Key players include the Lannisters, the Starks, and the Baratheons.
    • The Threat from the North: The northern region of Westeros faces a dire threat from supernatural forces beyond the Wall, including the White Walkers and the army of the dead.
    • Daenerys Targaryen’s Quest: Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled princess of the overthrown Targaryen dynasty, seeks to reclaim her family’s throne. Her journey involves acquiring power, allies, and dragons.
    • Political Intrigue and War: The series is known for its intricate political maneuvering, shifting alliances, and epic battles. The storylines intertwine to create a complex narrative of war, betrayal, and ambition.


  • Power and Ambition: The struggle for power and the consequences of ambition are central themes as characters navigate a world where alliances are fragile and betrayal is common.
  • Morality and Honor: The series explores the complexities of morality and honour, often presenting characters who are morally ambiguous and face difficult choices.
  • Fantasy and Reality: While set in a fantastical world, the series incorporates elements of real-world political and social dynamics, creating a richly detailed and immersive experience.


  • Critical Acclaim: A Song of Ice and Fire has received widespread acclaim for its intricate plotting, complex characters, and detailed world-building.
  • Popular Success: The series has a large and dedicated fanbase. It has also gained mainstream popularity through the television adaptation of Game of Thrones.
  • Adaptation: Game of Thrones, the HBO television series based on the books, premiered in 2011 and became a cultural phenomenon, influencing the series’ reception and expanding its audience.

Upcoming Books

  • The Winds of Winter is the anticipated sixth book in the series. It is expected to continue the intricate storylines and expand on the unresolved plots from the previous books.
  • A Dream of Spring: The planned seventh and final book, which will conclude the series.


8. Principles



Author: Ray Dalio

Publication Year: 2017

Genre: Non-Fiction, Business, Self-Help

Content Summary

  1. Life Principles:
    • Dalio shares principles that guide his personal life, focusing on themes like self-reflection, transparency, and the pursuit of truth. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses, setting clear goals, and constantly improving.
  2. Work Principles:
    • The book delves into principles that have shaped Dalio’s approach to business and leadership. Key principles include:
      • Radical Transparency: Encouraging open communication and honesty within organizations.
      • Radical Truth: Fostering a culture where truth is prioritized, even when it’s uncomfortable.
      • Believability-Weighted Decision Making: Making decisions based on the credibility and expertise of those involved.
  3. The Importance of Principles:
    • Dalio argues that principles are essential for navigating complex decisions and achieving long-term success. He provides practical advice. How to develop and apply principles in various aspects of life and work.
  4. Case Studies and Examples:
    • The book includes examples from Dalio’s career and personal life, illustrating how his principles have been applied in real-world situations. These stories offer insights into his problem-solving and decision-making processes.
  5. Systematic Approach:
    • Dalio advocates for a systematic approach to decision-making and problem-solving, using algorithms and data-driven insights to enhance objectivity and effectiveness.


  • Transparency and Honesty: The value of openness in communication and decision-making.
  • Self-Improvement: The continuous pursuit of personal and professional growth.
  • Decision-Making: Using principles and data to guide decisions and manage risk.


  • Critical Acclaim: “Principles: Life and Work” has been praised for its insightful and practical advice. Reviewers have appreciated Dalio’s candid sharing of his experiences and the actionable nature of his principles.
  • Best Seller: The book became a best-seller and has widely read by business leaders, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking to apply structured thinking to their lives and careers.
  • Influence: Dalio’s principles have been influential in both business and personal development circles, offering a framework for achieving clarity and effectiveness.

These books, from biographies to business strategies, reflect Pichai’schai’s diverse interests and belief in continuous learning. Dive into these reads to gain a glimpse into the minds of tech’s leading figures.

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